Gender Discrimination in Diesploot, Africa (Expository Essay)- by Ayuni


    Gender discrimination occurs in every country on the planet. This may be caused of men and women are socialised differently because they have had different lifestyle paths since they were born.  For example, gender discrimination still exists and occurs in Diepsloot Africa. "According to Afrobarometer, 2015 said that one quarter of Africans do not accept the concept of gender equality". Many reasons contribute to gender inequality in Diepsloot, Africa like the perception men is better than women, women's lack of education and the way they live their lives.

Firstly, men in Diepsloot, Africa claim that they are better than women. This causes women not to be given the same privileges and advantages as men. For example, women in Diepsloot, Africa are not given the opportunity to work because they think women are weak and only deserve to sit at home. If this situation continues, women unable to advance themselves and experience the privileges and opportunities enjoyed by men.

Next, women have low awareness regarding the issue of gender discrimination because their lacks of education. “(Dakar) Millions of pregnant and married adolescent girls across many African countries are being denied their education because of discriminatory policies and practices”. This issue can be prevented with education. "The role of education in advancing gender equality has long been part of the discourse of education, gender, and development (Anushna Jha and Mehrin Shah, 2020)". However, their weak education system, like lack of school establishment, makes it difficult to raise awareness about gender discrimination among women there. The education system there needs to be improved so that women are aware of the negative effects of gender discrimination and can prevent themselves from being discriminated against by men.

Finally, how they live has an impact on the causes of gender discrimination. Men in Diepsloot, Africa, will commit acts of violence against women without mercy, such as raping and killing them, and this frequently occurs when the woman is alone outside the house, especially at night. “In 2016, a University of the Witwatersrand study sampling 2,600 local men found that 56% of them admitted to either raping or beating a woman in the previous 12 months”. This situation made women afraid to leave the house and they cannot enjoy freedom whenever they are outside the house. This bad lifestyle needs to be stopped so that women can live in peace and safety without being oppressed by men.

Gender discrimination in Diepsloot Africa should be prevented from now on so that oppression does not occur between men and women there and a harmonious atmosphere can also be created. Therefore, the authorities in Diepsloot, Africa need to work together to stop gender discrimination so that undesirable things do not happen in the future.
