Gender Inequality In Culture (Expository Essay) - By Muaz Nazmi



          Certain country, they don't care about gender equality. For instance gender inequality situation in India. This can be seen from the statistics that show that women there among 20% of students who stopped schooling after primary education, near 70% of these students were females. This happens because they think women don't need to get a higher education and only need to be housewives.

          Discrimination against women can be from many aspect, one of them is from economic equalities. In 2013 the labour force participation rate of women was 80.7%, this is a huge number for women to do job that not suitable for them.They also need education same as other people out there.Most of them is working on livestock maintenance, egg and milk production.This job give a small returns and causes them to live in poverty in the rest of their live.Every human have their own rights to live in peace and comfortable live so we need to cooperate to prevent this from spreading.

          This case not only happen in India, In Thailand they have problem in wage rate between men and women.They consider that women doesn’t have same energy like a men. That because they give less wages than men. In statistic that from Unicef they said women only got 65.4% of men wages.Now, day by day this problem has decreased but still happened.This is because from the statistic it is shown that now women got 92% from men wages. We must together give awareness to employers to change this culture from continuing to happen because every human being has the right to get the wages they deserve from the labor force.

          Meanwhile in United State women spend over twice as much time on housework as men. This happened because of men can’t do housework as good as women do it.Men also need to learn about housework because nowdays mostly women and men are have their own career. So they can share the housework that needs to be done and women that have their own career can do their work better because not burdened with many housework. To solve this problem we need to spread awareness to every people to have common sense in their live so this will make everyone get their rights.

          In conclusion, gender inequality is a serious problem that happened around the world that need to be solved. So every party need to move immediately to prevent this spreading and getting worst.Every problem in this world can be solved if every party plays a role in combating this gender inequality.
