Causes Gender Inequality In Society (Expository) - by Asyikin

o country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contribution of half its citizens." says Michelle Obama. As stated, women must have the same rights as men in order to achieve the development together. Inequality can be defined as any unequal treatment as a privilege or     priority. There are many causes of how this gender inequality started which are bad influences from the environmentlack of parental education, and also injustice in community.

Bad influences from the environment come from social media or friends that will lead to a negative perspective on how people see others. Social media should be the platform to spread awareness about kindness and equal opportunity to others but nowadays it seems they use it to downgrade others especially women. Indirectly, this will make them feel they are weak, unable to do something and make them feel they have limitary to do something just because they are women. The National Institute of Mental Health reports there are 49.5%, and 22.2% of adolescents will suffer from a severe mental impairment in their lifetimes. Also, young adults have the highest incidence of mental illness which is 25.8%, compared to 22.2% for ages 26 to 49, and 13.8% for ages 50 and up regarding to the negative impact of social media. Since 2008, studies have shown that suicide attempts among adolescents have nearly doubled

Besides, most people lack of parental education which is about common sense. It is very important in order to live equally in any gendered environment. Research from the National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education, parents is the big influence for children and their influences on parenting behaviour and the subsequent impact of that parenting behaviour on children’s socioemotional and cognitive development. People should know how to be more careful of what they say and think about other people or else they will affect their self-esteem to be more confident about what they are passionate about. .The survey found that 90% of teens believe online harassment is a problem for people their age, and 63% identify it as a major problem. Some people tend to judge women because they only see their weaknesses. For example, in a workplace women will not be offered the higher position as they assume women will not be able to do many tasks and works

Last but not least, injustices in the community contribute to this gender discrimination because they despise women to be judged. Most of the cases regarding this issue, women always has the least chance to get their rights to speak out their opinions. One of the studies says that women still have only three quarters of the legal rights afforded to men which in aggregate score of 76.5 out of a possible 100. This is the evidence that women still do not get the same opportunities as men. Sometimes, women can contribute to give good, critical and logical ideas than men but their voices have been pushed away.

Now to conclude, gender inequality should be taken seriously by all because all types of gender deserve all the chances and opportunities that cannot be wasted just because of the injustice surrounding. According to the study in employment, men’s wages are higher than women’s in both rural and urban areas. This proves that we are living in the judgemental environment still. So, we all have to find ways on how to prevent this problem before it become worse.


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