Alia's Dreams (Narrative Essay) - by Ayuni


After a month of school holidays, it's time to go back to school. As usual, each school will appoint a 5th grade student leader to be the leader to all the other students in the school. Alia is a female student who is very responsible and committed in carrying out the tasks entrusted to her. That's why she wants to hold a position as a student leader. She also believes she deserves to be appointed as the student leader in her school even though she is a girl. For her gender is not a barrier to be a student leader to lead all students in her school. Alia is one of five other students who register their own name to run for the position. No one knew that she was the only female student who registered as a candidate for the position.

After a week passed, the school announced that only two candidates were appointed for the position. Alia is one of the female student representatives nominated for the position and another male student. All the male students in her school disagreed with the school's decision to nominate Alia for the position of student leader. For them a woman doesn't deserve to be a leader because they don't deserve to be a male leader. They are also not confident in Alia's ability to lead other students.

Since that day, all the male students bully and protest Alia because of Alia's decision to compete for the position of student leader. One day, a group of male students stopped Alia on her way home from school and told her to withdraw from running for the post. They don't want Alia to hold the position of student leader but she just ignored them. In fact, Alia still stands by her position to continue competing for the position of student leader. Being a student leader has been her dream since childhood and she wants to prove that girls can be leaders. At the same time, she wants to change the perspective of individuals who think leadership positions are only suitable for men. She really hopes that she will be able to hold the position.

After a week of voting, it's time to find out who was selected to be a student leader. The results announced by the school greatly disappointed Alia. Alia was not successfully appointed as student leader because the majority of male students in her school strongly opposed when Alia's name was nominated for the position of student leader. They even agreed not to choose Alia as the student leader. Alia was so sad with the decision but she agreed with the decision set by the school.
